Are you a health or family professional working with families in special situations? If you know a family whose circumstances mean that existing education and care (child care) services cannot meet their needs, In Home Care may be the solution.

Who is suitable for In Home Care?
Maybe the family:
- has a child who has an illness or disability?
- has an adult member who has an illness or disability which affects their ability to care for their child?
- lives in an area that is too far from other education and care services?
- works hours that are outside normal childcare hours?
To be eligible for In Home Care a family must be eligible for Child Care Subsidy, and able to demonstrate that the other types of approved child care are not suitable or available and where:
- parents or carers are working non-standard or variable hours, outside normal child care service hours
- parents or carers are geographically isolated from other types of approved child care, particularly in rural or remote locations
- the family has challenging or complex needs, including where families are experiencing challenging situations, and other approved child care services are not able to meet the needs of the child or the family.
Challenging or complex needs mean:
- a child with additional needs or a disability whose early childhood education and care requirements cannot be catered for in another approved child care setting, or through other government funded or community-based services
- a family where a parent is undergoing treatment for a serious illness
- other complex family situations that prevent families from accessing other approved child care types.
To refer a family for In Home Care please click here or contact the In Home Care Support Agency on 1800 IHCARE (1800 442273).