The tenth webinar in the PD In Your Pocket program, ‘STEM in Family Day Care’ is here for you to watch or listen to, as well as the booklet and reading guide that accompanies the webinar.


The booklet STEM in Family Day Care accompanies the webinar. It explores the issues of how to apply STEM ideas in FDC, and why it is important for FDC educators and co-ordinators.


The webinar session on STEM in Family Day Care, presented by Elizabeth Go, can be watched as a video or listened as a podcast recording from your phone, iPad or computer.


Lena Hammond (Environmental Education Consultant, Little Scientists Australia), interviewed by Lisa Bryant (early education consultant). This can be watched as a video or listened as a podcast recording from your phone, iPad or computer.


Louise Reid (Family Day Care Educator), interviewed by Lisa Bryant (early education consultant). This can be watched as a video or listened as a podcast recording from your phone, iPad or computer.


An extensive reading guide as a supplement to the webinar, containing resources for those who are new to the concept of STEM in FDC, and those in the sector who are more experienced and are looking for more in-depth material.

This program has been funded through the NSW Government’s Sector Development Program.
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