The NSW Family Day Care Association has the central aim of promoting and supporting all aspects of Family Day Care.
Since its creation in 1976, the Association has worked to provide support, resourcing and advocacy for all its members, and to increase the status of Family Day Care and In Home Care within the community.
The overall role of the Association is the promotion of children’s wellbeing, and this is achieved through excellence in our service delivery, and the wealth of extremely talented and skilled people working within the Family Day Care sector.
We also encourage the involvement of others in the community to participate in the sector, both for the benefit of our colleagues and the children of will a strong part of our community in the future.

Promote wellbeing
To promote the wellbeing of children and to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas relating to children and their needs

Inform & Support
To inform and support those involved in Family Day Care

Coordinate Solutions
To act on problems and coordinate solutions specific to Family Day Care in NSW

Research & Education

Central Information
To disseminate information relating to Family Day Care

To act as an advisory body

Government & Private
To liaise with government and non-government organisations.
The Association meets these objectives by undertaking the following functions:
The Association regularly updates its members about important legislative changes and other information that impacts Family Day Care services and educators through communiques and our newsletters.
The Association is a member of, or is aligned with other organisations in the education and care sector which have similar goals and interests. We also hold many positions on both State and Federal Government advisory bodies to enable us to advocate for the needs of our members and Family Day Care more broadly.
The Association operates its own registered training organisation – trading as ‘PEAK Training’ which offers nationally recognised training including Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care as well as specific modules from these courses.
PEAK Training also offers a range of professional development, webinars, calendared short courses and mentoring services.
It is important for the Association to consult with our members about proposed changes to legislation and government policy which will impact on FDC and in particular on our members.
It is imperative we work together with other non-government organisations to ensure that Family Day Care be viewed as an integral part of the Early Childhood Education and Care sector.
Initiating and participating in research projects means we can help improve education and care policy and practice.
We commission and / or participate in research across many areas, including: funding, the National Quality Framework and educator status.